About Me

It's not easy being a hustler. You need to love the grind, trust yourself, trust the process (not the Philadelphia 76ers process), and savour every moment. I'm Jason, an enthusiastic Nanotechnology engineering student at the University of Waterloo immersing myself in the world of software development. Being in a program that provides co-op, I look for supportive, motivating companies to apply my software abilities and love for innovation (hence, nanotechnology) while building a core skillset and learning as much as I possibly can. I plan to continue to build this website as I learn more about full-stack development (react, node, and more of what's out there). That being said, let's hustle!

I am

Web Development

Learning on Codecademy

Problem Solving

Exploring and Trying Businesses

Gaming and Game Development

Meeting People

Collaboration, Communication, Problem-Solving, Creativity, Adaptability Attention to Detail, Time Management, Cultural Awareness

I am strong in

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